-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
November 9, 2010
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
Bad News - November 2, 2010
"....know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good. The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he? Therefore, hold on thy way, and the priesthood shall remain with thee; for their bounds are set, they cannot pass. Thy days are known, and thy years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever."
so every things going to be ok not to worried about anything. just have to roll with the punches. but this week was a really good week, Elder Johnson and I finally were able to find and set up lessons with some of our sweet potentials. got a $180 speeding ticket :). last night we decided that we needed to have fun on our one of our last day together. I video taped him trying to jump on a childs bogo stick it was so funny. one other funny thing we did is chewed dry ice. not a huge chunk but a little piece just enough so it would make it where we would blow smoke, we did it with some of the youth it was so funny to watch them freak out, it was good and no one got hurt.
Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
October 26, 2010 - it's cold and snowing
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
Monday, October 25, 2010
October 19th - Fruit heights UT is sweet!
1: the Olsons a family we were teaching in brigham2: the poors sweet family in brigham3: the curtis's funny picture4: the curtis's another sweet family in brigham
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
October 12

-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
October 5th
other than conference we had a good week helping our investigators progress better towards there baptism dates. Im starting to love this area. were seeing a lot of success from the youth fireside activities ill be sure to get a lot of pictures from it. this one is going to be epic. probably the best one we've every done. take a look at my photobucket i uploaded a couple pictures of baptisms and funny things. love all of you guys!?!?!
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
September 28th
AGENCY: We have control 100% of the time. We are responsible or our choices. In John 8:32, we read,“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” We are free not because we can choose, butbecause we have chosen well (David Hart).” We lose our free agency when we choose wrong. You control thechoice, but not the consequences. “If we choose the wrong road, we also choose the wrong destination (DallinH. Oaks).” Article 2 of the Articles of Faith is about personal responsibility. There are only three groups thatare not responsible: children under 8, mental ill patients, and those who haven‟t heard the word.
RESPONSIBILITY: Why do people want choice; but often avoid responsibility? Because they don‟t want thenegative consequences. The following are some of the things people say or do to try and avoid responsibility:blame, excuse, justification, rationalization, flee, hide, lie, cover-up, ignore, procrastinate, avoid, self-pity,minimize, rebel, anger, murmur, ignore, indifferent, forget, and indecision. Excuses do not equal results and donot correct mistakes. (Example: Laman and Lemuel in 1 Nephi 3:13-15.) The above list is a form of self-deception or self-betrayal. It is living a lie. “The determined man finds a way, the other man finds an excuse(David B. Haight).” The difference between an excuse and a reason is explaining what happened while keepingresponsibility. (Moses 4:17-20; 5:10-11; Adam & Eve) In 1 Samuel 15:13-15, 20-21, 24, we see that Saulagainst the Amalekites tried to avoid responsibility from disobeying the commandment. It didn‟t work.Take responsibilities, no excuses. Defensive driving is an example of taking control and responsibility.Marriage is not a 50/50 proposition. It is a 100/100 proposition. Do you want to be right or to be married?
TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR LIVE: If it is to be, it is up to me. Responsibility is the courage to confrontpain, fear, shame, guilt. It is accepting yourself as the one in control of your life and destiny. Assumingresponsibility increases our options and control while blaming, excuses, self-justifying, and self-pity limit ourcontrol and freedom. If you are at fault and have to change before further progress is made, then others are incontrol of the outcome or desired results. Agency and responsibility are inseparably connected. You can‟tavoid one without also losing the other. Happiness and being in control of one‟s life are very closely connected.Are there things that we cannot control? Should these things affect our happiness? What should we do withthose things we do not control? Adapt.“One ship drives east and another drives westWith the selfsame winds that blow.„Tis the set of the sailsAnd not the galesWhich tells us the way to go.Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate,As we voyage along through life:“Tis the set of a soulThat decides its goal,And not the calm or the strife.”Ella Wheeler Wilcox
RESPONSIBILITY AND FORGIVING: Forgiving involves responsibility for how one feels, acts, andresponds to offenses. Which words on the not-responsible list above are synonyms with not forgiving? Blame,anger. In what ways does blaming affect unity? What does saying “I‟m sorry” have to do with 100%responsibility? President Benson said, “Pride is enmity toward God and man.” He defined enmity as“opposition, hostility, or hatred.” Which of the three is blaming? All 3. Is blaming prideful then? In what waydoes not forgiving give the offender some control over your life? Why did the Savior say “to turn the othercheek?” Does this apply in all situations? What if the offender does not acknowledge the offense. Should youstill forgive? Yes. Why? How does the Savior feel about judging others? (See John 8:15-16) Luke 15:1-7,the parable of the lost sheep. We are all lost sheep, 100%. There are 100 lost sheep. His going after the onetells us that he loves all 100. Luke 15:11-32, The parable of the prodigal son. We are all lost. Luke 10:38-42.Can gossiping, judging, and not forgiving be considered synonyms? It takes two people to gossip, a mouth andan ear. What if the ear were eliminated? What would happen to gossip? It would be eliminated. Does thetruth justify gossip? No. Does the bishop talking about a member‟s misdeeds to the Elders Quorum presidentconstitute gossiping? Yes, unless it is to truly help. What about a parent talking about their child‟s misdeeds?RESPONSIBILITY AND REPENTANCE: Can the Lord look upon sin with any degree of allowance? No.(See Alma 45:16) What law of the gospel demands 100% responsibility for sin? Justice. (See Alma 42:25)What is the first step in the repentance process? Recognition. What does responsibility have to do with thisfirst step? “The greatest of all faults is to be conscious of none (Thomas Carlyle).” What does confession haveto do with 100% responsibility? Which word on the non-responsible list above is synonymous with notconfessing? Hiding, shame, embarrassment, fear of man.
ACCOUNTABIOITY AND THE ATONEMENT: The Guide to the Scriptures, “Justification: See also atone,atonement, sanctification. To be pardoned from punishment for sin and declared guiltless. A person is justifiedby the Savior‟s grace through faith in him. This faith is shown by repentance and obedience to the laws andordinances of the gospel. Jesus Christ‟s atonement enables mankind to repent and be justified or pardoned frompunishment they otherwise would receive.” Read 2 Nephi 2:5-8. “The enemy of repentance is self-justification.” (Spencer W. Kimball) Examples of self-justification, the anti-Christ false hood: Alma 1:3-4Nehor, Alma 30:17 Korhior, Alma 18:5 Lamoni, 2 Nephi 28:8-9. Avoiding responsibility. What is theconsequence of self-justification and the not-responsible list? Alma 34:15-18. Mosiah 15:24, Alma 11:44,What does the word “restoration” mean? Alma 41, Alma clarifies the meaning of the word restoration for hisson Corianton. See also Alma 42:25, 30-31, When we give an excuse for our faults and sins, what are wedenying? Did Corianton‟s subsequent life illustrate an understanding of the words restoration andresponsibility? Yes. (See Alma 40:30) Alma taught his son doctrine and changed his life. Read PresidentBoyd K. Packer‟s quote on teaching doctrine on page 19 of PMG and then read Alma 31:5. What will teachingthe doctrines do to investigators when taught in power and authority by the Spirit? When we are notresponsible before God, into whose hands do we place control over our lives?
RESPONSIBILITY AND CHARITY: Am I my brother‟s keeper? Companions and spouses: Does 50% +50%= 100% responsibility? What does blaming a companion, local leaders and members, other missionaries or thearea do to the faith of a missionary? Why do the less-active go inactive? Who suffers? Agency/responsibilityand love. Unity: D&C 107:27, 30, “and every decision made...must be by the unanimous voice...eachmember in each quorum must be agreed.” Which word from D&C60:2 should be added to the not-responsiblelist that keeps missionaries and members from being responsible? What responsible word is the antidote? (SeeMoroni 8:16, Romans 1:16) Charity is a deep sense of responsibility for the temporal welfare and even morefor the spiritual welfare of another. The more we are like Christ the less likely we are to give up on someone.There will be a reluctance to blame. He is perfect, we are not. He was innocent, we are guilty. Yet out of love,He became responsible for us and never gives up on us. Compassion, we learn, is one of the opposites ofblaming, and responsibility for the spiritual welfare of others the most important definition of charity. (SeeMosiah 28:3) D&C 43:15, “ye are not sent forth to be taught, but to teach.” Effective teaching is the veryessence of leadership.” (President Gordon B. Hinckley)
ACCOUNTABILITY: “The principle of accountability is fundamental in God‟s eternal plan. We will all standbefore the Lord at the last judgment and give an accounting for what we have done with the opportunities Hehas given us (see Alma 5:15-19, D&C 137:9). There is much you can learn about accountability on yourmission that will benefit you throughout your life.” Numbers and accountability: Does the Lord number hissheep? Versus merely counting them (total). Why? (see 1 Nephi 22:25) What would be even better thannumbers? Names. “Where performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measuredand reported, the rate of improvement accelerates.” (President Monson) D&C 4:2, Why do we serve him withall our “heart, might, mind and strength?” “That ye may....” Let your president expect great things from you.
elder blankenship and I decided that as a goal this transfer/month that we would have 15 people with baptism dates. right now we have 8 people scheduled to be baptized. this next week is what will decide if we reach that goal or not.
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
September 21st
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
September 14th
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
September 7th

-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
August 31st
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
August 24th
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
August 17th
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
August 10th
August 3rd
WE PICKED UP THREE MORE BAPTISMAL DATES FOR AUGUST!!!!!! we've been getting a lot of crap from the stake president saying were not doing our job so he's not helping us with anything. so this will show him we really are working. :) but this week has been a really good week. besides picking up all those dates, my "son" and I have finally started to get along. A.K.A he's listening to me :) so now everything is starting to run smoothly i just wish i could get that one stake president to help us out. oh well. this coming up week should be very good. we have alot of new investigators that we're teaching that will be getting baptismal dates when we teach them. Elder Leon and I did get a couch yesterday that was deffently a plus now we have something to lounge on :) love,
p.si bought my bike and now its in the shop getting $60 worth of work...... :( the picture is of an old '33 with twin turbos on it...... its fast
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
July 27
hey everyone,
so on Wednesday I went and picked up my "greenie" Elder Leon from the mission office. during the training meeting Elder Cowan (assistant) was looking at me and laughing and asked why and he said your greenie is the hardest trainee in the mission. President Olson pulled my aside and gave me a background on Elder Leon. He said he talks incessantly and doesn't know when to shut up. on top of that he has A.D.H.D which is driving all his "problems." the goal this transfer is to get elder leon to take his medication and learn to be obedient. he's the most disobdedient elder ive ever served with, i made him send home all the movies he brought. he's not as bad as he sounds good kid has a lot of potential just needs to learn to be quiet. our new area is good, just need to get everything organized. not a lot of work going on but i have faith that it will pick up. im doing good, its just hard training and whitewashing-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Weekly Email July 20, 2010
love you guys,
Elder Tyler Herring
Weekly Email July 13, 2010
i had to give a talk on how this land is a chosen land and relate it to missionary work. it ended up being a really good talk. even though i wrote it 45min before.
-i prayer that the holy spirit will be here to testify of what im going to speak about today. what id like to speak on today is how the lord god has preserved this land. the book of mormon is overwhelming evidence of gods hand in the establishment of this nation and his dealings with mankind both during times of righteousness and wikedness. the lord has repeatedly said that if we keep the commandments that we will prosper. turn with me to 2nephi 1:9 here the lord has promised lehi what will happen if he keeps the commandments. we have two records -the jaradites and nephites- of two nations that were swept off the face of the land because of their wickedness. nephi a prophet in the book of mormon prophised the destruction of that eary american civiliztion and lateer the rediscovery of this land by an inspired explorer. turn with me to 1nephi 13:12 that scripture is talking about columbus and how he was led by the spirit too this promised land. for centuries the lord kept america hidden until the time was right to unviel her for her destiny in the last days "it is wisdom that this land should be kept as yet from the knowledge of other nation." "for behold many nations would overrun the land, that there would be no place for an inheritance." in the lords due time his spirit "wrought upon" columbus. the pilgrams, puritans, and others to come to america. they testified of gods intervention in their behalf. the book of mormon records that they humbled themselves before the lord and the power of the lord was with them. only if we humble ourselves and keep the commandments will the lord fight our battles and protect us. think of zions camp. the lord promised that his presence would go with them and that all victory and glory would be brought to pass through their diligence and fathfullness and prayers of faith. in our heritage it gives an account of zions camp: : "difficulties of the camp began to take their toll on participants. the refining process revealed the grumblers, who did not have the spirit of obdience and often faulted joseph smith for his troubles. on 17 may the prophet exhorted thoses posssessed eith a rebelios spirit to humble themselves before the lord and become united, that they might not be scourged" we know that they eventually humbled themselves and moved on with the march towards clay county. "when zions camp reached eastern clay county missouri in late june 1834 a mob of over 300 missouians came out to meet them- intent on their destruction, under the direction of the prophet joseph smith the brethern set up camp and the junction of the little and big fishing rivers." this is where joseph smith said the infamous line "stand still and watch the salvation of god" continuing on pg 47 : " the mob began to attack with cannon fire, but the lord was fighting the battle of the saints. clouds quickly began to formm over head. the prophet described the circumstances "it began to rain and hail.... the storm was tremendous; wind and rain, hail and thunder met them in great wrath, and soon softened their direful courage and frustrated all their designs to kill joe smith and his army... after experiencing the pelting of the storm all night, "forlorn hope" took the back track fir independence to join the main body of the mob fully satisfied that when jehovah fights they would rather be absent" the lord fought there battles because they were doing what the were commanded. i think about the story of the stripling warriors. moroni rallied them together in his day to defend their wives, their children, and for the cause of liberty. why did this band of 2,000 young men defeat the lamenites and establish peace in the land? because of their faithfullness in keeping the commandments. turn with me to Alma56:47-48 their mothers had taught them to keep the commandments. because of the faithfulness the lord delievered them. we as members of the church have been commanded by the lord to do missionary work. ive noticed when reading the book of mormon that people in the land are prospering because of the righteosness..... do you think that the righteous were doing missionary work? when we cease in sharing the gospel we will not prosper. it is my prayer that the holy ghost has touched each and every one of you and has burned with in you. that it was fired you up to go out and do missionary work. in the name of jesus christ amen.
our area is starting to pick up aswell. we finally found 5 new investigators were teaching and so far two of them have baptismal dates. that makes a total of four people schedualed for baptism. and we haven't met with the other 3 but they will be commited for baptism on the first lesson.
Elder Tyler Herring
Weekly Letter July 6, 2010
Elder Tyler Herring
Thursday, July 1, 2010
June 30, 2010
Elder Tyler Herring
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
June 22, 2010 - Elder Herring got a picture with an apostle :P
Elder Tyler Herring
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
June 15, 2010
Elder Tyler Herring
June 8, 2010
Elder Tyler Herring
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
June 1, 2010
Elder Tyler Herring
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
May 25, 2010 - "Oh by the way...."
Elder Tyler Herring
A Wonderful Mother's Day Gift
My name is Stacie Grieco and I live in Hooper, Utah. Your son is currently teaching my husband. I was raised in the church, my husband grew up Catholic and has been taking the missionaries on and off for ten years. Each missionary has brought his or her own unique personalities and teaching styles. Some we have clicked with a little better than others. Elder Herring is one of our favorites. As you can imagine we have met a lot of missionaries. Your son is an amazing missionary and brings with him such a calming feeling. He has such a strong testimony and speaks with such honesty. Elder Herring and Elder Ramsey have been teaching us for a couple of months now and our family has really grown to love them. After the first lesson my husband commented on how good these two missionaries were. He said they really have strong testimonies of the gospel. I want to thank you for raising such a wonderful young man and encouraging him to go on a mission. My husband is a very logical thinker and things need to be explained logically to him. He attends church every week with me and our two children. I know one day he will convert I just don’t know when that might be but I can say some missionaries leave more of a mark on him than others and Elder Herring has definitely left a lasting impression on him. I took these pictures of them last week; they came and helped us in our yard.
I hope you have a wonderful mother’s day..
Yay for my first successful video upload ever! :D
May 18, 2010
what we understand as good and what the lord knows good is two different things. the lords good is found in 1nephi 19:9. "And the world, because of their iniquity, shall judge him to be a thing of naught; wherefore they scourge him, and he suffereth it; and they smite him, and he suffereth it. Yea, they aspit upon him, and he suffereth it, because of his loving bkindness and his clong-suffering towards the children of men." who are we to murmur if that what good is in gods eyes?
he then said alot of really profound quotes that i liked:
-without faith it is immpossible to please god
this next one he likened it to missionary wok
-satan knows how powerful you are and knows how mant people you can effect. so he's going to discoarage you and bring you down
this week though we have five baptizims. the garcia family is thursday at seven. and ashley vanzweedens is saturday at two as long as she doesn't smoke this week. shes overcome alot of obstacles. yesterday in president interviews Prez Olson said that this is the last transfer that elder ramsey and I will be together. next transfer i asked him if i could stay in hooper and he said that id be getting a missionary that struggling a little bit, so i get to learn love and charity and patience next transfer :)
Elder Tyler Herring
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
May 11, 2010
love you all
Elder Tyler Herring
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
May 4, 2010
i was writing it down as it happened. i was sitting in sacrement meeting today in the foxglen ward. we were sitting beside the maughn family, and i couldn't help but notice there little boy. i didn't know what was wrong with him, but he had a pipe running out of his neck and couldn't support himself. He also had something that went around his chest to help him sit up. about every five minutes they had to use a suction pump to get the saliva out of his mouth. I couldn't stop thinking why? why would god do this to him and his little family? I came to the conclusion that there son was one of the elect or more faithful souls in heaven. Heavenly father is putting this little boy through all of this because he knows he can take it. I kept seeing the love his family had for him. you could just see the dad had for him in his eyes. the way he would hold him and craddle him so carefully as he read him a book. He can't talk but he knows sign launguage. the thought came to mind was i faithful in heaven? the lord knew what I could go through. the scripture in D:C 121+122 came to mind. verse seven "my son peace be unto thy soul thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment." in section 122:8 "the son of man hath descended below them all." jesus knew exactly what that little boy went through I want to be someone the lord can rely on, as one of his faithful servants throughout my life. i learned that trials are for us to grow and learn. I went up and shared what i saw in the foxglen ward in a different sacrement meeting. i cried thhrough most of it. i kept thinking of my family back home and the love they have for me. when i sat back down one of our investigators Logan (9) asked why are you crying? whats wrong? I said "buddy sometimes the holy ghost makes you cry when your talking about something really special to you. what i got taught from all this was count your blessings, and next time your going through a trial remember the lord already went through that and knows how you feel. so quit complaining.
but this upcoming week logan (9) is getting baptized!!!!!! the week before we had a baptisim but i forgot to tell you about it :) her name was lily mitchill ill send a picture of them next week
Elder Tyler Herring
2133 Washington Blvd.
Ogden, Utah 84401
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
April 27, 2010
Elder Tyler Herring
2133 Washington Blvd.
Ogden, Utah 84401
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
April 20, 2010
Elder Tyler Herring
2133 Washington Blvd.
Ogden, Utah 84401
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
April 13, 2010
Elder Tyler Herring
2133 Washington Blvd.
Ogden, Utah 84401
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
"Elder Beefcakes and the Beanpole"

April 6, 2010 - General Conference
-- Elder Tyler Herring