last night elder blankenship got a call last night saying that he was getting transfered to be the AP's companion in the Jefferson 1st ward, the most ghetto part of ogden. so i figured that i wasn't going to be transfered but i was wrong. this morning i found out what was going on, im getting transfered to farmington with elder johnson. im upset that im getting transfered we have alot of investigators that ive gotten close to. this will be the third time that im "white washing" into another area, elder johnson and i are going into the area and we know nothing about. it's just frustrating. but besides the bad news today its been a really good week. Elder Blankenship and I had a really spiritual lesson with the Olson family. we taught them the Restoration using the "cup lesson" where we build up the church Jesus set up while he was here, knock it down with the apostasy, and rebuild it after we share the first vision. after the lesson one of the daughters who's a member asked her dad who's an excommunicated member if we could give here a blessing. after giving her a blessing the rest of the family who are non-members were crying and all wanted a blessing as well. everyone there was crying even elder Blankenship and I. that night we ended up giving six blessings. I'm really going to miss that family. On Sunday we had our every-other-week youth night over at the Jone's home. we taught a lesson on blocking Satan from our friends. it went really good i got to be Satan :). elder Blankenship was the narrator of the story and elder smith (Tremonton elders) was a guy preparing for a mission and started getting too serious with his girlfriend and made a mistake and Satan (me) blindsided him. we then asked how many people saw me coming, everyone raised there hand, then we asked how come no one stopped me? it was really spiritual the youth made the connection between that and looking out for our friends. we then re-role played it had some of the youth block me from Elder Smith. So the most of today is going to be us visiting all of our investigators and cool member families and getting pictures with them. wish me luck in my new area. apparently the house we live in a member gave to the church that we have full reign of. it has a Sauna, Steam bath, and a Jacuzzi that we have permission to use :) the picture i attached is a less-active family were teaching there daughter and the dad rebuilds old motorcycles, it was WAY SWEET!!!! there so loud definitely manly
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401
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