Monday, October 25, 2010

August 17th

something that I've been trying to do this week is trying to be more loving to my companion. yesterday i finally saw success. Monday morning he refused to read the Book of Mormon for personal study (don't ask me why) so i said that we wont be starting companionship study until he has read five pages. he made a huge fuss and then started reading. after he finished we had about 10min to do companionship study, so i took three cups and three butter knifes and weaved the knives together so that it would support a triple combination. numbered the cups 1,2, and 3. i told him number one is church we do it once a week, number two is praying every day, and number three is reading at least three pages a day. then i asked him what would happen if i took one of the cups away. the scriptures or your testimony falls. i explained that if we aren't doing theses three things every day that our testimony will get week and we will fall. so we're starting to get along a little better, now that he knows why I'm so hard on him, it's cause i love him and want him to be a good missionary. so he knows why i get on his case for getting up at 7:30. yesterday we drove out to Corrinne, Utah. and we were driving through and saw some reindeer..... yea reindeer. they said there tamed so they but a halter on of them and brought it out and let us stand there and get a picture with it. i forgot my camera.... so ill upload the pictures next week. but i looked terrified the antlers are right up in my face and later we found out that he doesn't like men..... this Saturday we have one baptism and Monday we have two. this area is finally starting to produce some baptisms. my knee isn't getting any better this morning we went to the athletic trainer that's taking care of me and he went through some exercises. he had me bike and do some wall squats. he asked where it was hurting i told him in the same spots. he said my outlook on not having to have surgery isn't good. i meet with the orthopedic surgeon in four weeks to get the bad news. so we'll find out then. our mission doctor who is a quack said that he thinks that i should go home and get an MRI....... i argued with him that i could get an MRI on my mission instead of going home. we'll see president Olson makes the final call and were pretty tight
-- Elder Tyler Herring2133 Washington Blvd.Ogden, Utah 84401

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