so this week i got to talk to my parents!!!!! it was sweet they did this conference call thing where i could talk to a ton of people at one time. it was sweet i talked to my mom, dad, sisters, and my grandparents. monday morning we had the oppurtunity to do service at the Ogden Utah Temple. they had us pulling out tullips and all the other plants and had us plant all new ones. the whole temple every flower bed........ i never noticed how many flower beds there were until you have to digg out and plant new ones in each bed. i have come to appreciate people who can do landscaping every day, cause i cant. the only spiritual experience i can think of was today at the temple, i had left my temple recommend at home so i was sitting in the waiting room for my companion. i turned on the tv and was going through and watching all the movies the church puts out. an older lady came in and sat to the right of me and we started shooting the small talk. i found out that she was originaly from puerto rico but moved to pennsilvynia and is now on a service mission in Clinton, Utah. she was one of the nicest old ladies ive ever met aside from my grandparents. she gave me her phone number and said that if my companion and I ever needed anything to call her. when she was walking out she said something that stuck out to me, "Elder smile.... and always love the people" the week before i had studied all the christ-like attributes, i learned alot but sorta rushed through charity and love just to say that i was done so i could study something else. looking in retro spec i should of spent more time on charity in love. this week one of my goals is to learn to have more love for the people i labor with and my investigators..... oh and try not to be so competitive. :) idk if that second one is going to happen
love you all
Elder Tyler Herring
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