so i got a call last night from Elder Ramerez (assistant) and he said that I'm being transfered to Brigham city and that I'm training a new guy straight out of the MTC. he wouldn't tell me who he is or anything so ill find out tomorrow at 8am, when i pick him up. so I'm leaving hooper..... I'm really sad. All today I'll probably be packing and visiting people. but this week we went to the youth extravaganza, it was sweet there was over 3000 youth there. the program was on the restoration/ plan of salvation. it was the bulk of our week, so not a lot happened. next weeks email will be a lot longer with a new companion...... i cant wait to prank this new kid :) hopefully he wont cry to much. :P elder Attridge and i did find a miniature donkey its the saddest looking thing ever....ill attach pictures
love you guys,
Elder Tyler Herring

love you guys,
Elder Tyler Herring
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