so this week was really cool, somehow elder ramsey and I scored two tickets to conference :) the sunday afternoon session. it was really good we were up in the balcony but a member behinde us had some binoculars so we could see the prophet in real life and not on the projector screen. there i saw a couple people from Weber and some girls that i went to EFY with. the saturday session we went and watched it with a really cool member family. and inbetween we went out and played basketball in the snow :). nothing to exciting has happened this week..... it snowed again. but most of this week has been planning and setting up the baptisims, getting clothes, programs, and everything like that. im doing good though had interviews with president yesterday we talked alot about how much ive grown and how much power my testimony has. he hinted to something about me training a new missionary in a couple transfers, as long as i keep my nose clean and stay out of trouble :P maybe when we get a "shipment" of a big group of elders from the MTC. we'll see i have alot of growing up to do. he said in his last presidents letter about how the most important calling in the whole mission is the trainer. a trainer sets the tone for the rest of that young missionaries mission. lol alot of responsibility hahaha. thanks so much for the EASTER PACKAGE im still chowing down on all the candy :). oh also in interviews president said that Elder Ramsey and I will probally be staying together another transfer.... im really excited we have alot of fun together. as far as the chicken thing goes..... the animals we hit just keep getting bigger and bigger went from a chicken to a cat to a dog...... hahahaha no we haven't hit a cat or a dog but we came dang close. i also attached a picture of the dead chicken that got beheaded when we hit it hahahaha in retrospec we should of went back cooked it and had friend chicken. im waiting on a picture the Beus took of us at there home when we were watching conference, it was alot of fun they made us burritos that tasted eactly like Cafe Rio there were so good. but hope everything is going good i love you all
-- Elder Tyler Herring
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