Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Elder Herring's weekly letter

hey everyone,
so you guys have been hounding me to know who my companion and I are teaching. so here guy were teaching is brian, he was commited on the first lesson to be baptised on nov 14th. but first he has to get married to his girlfriend brianna who is currently pregnant, cause there living together. so that means we get to go to a wedding!!!! :) another family that were teaching right now is a part member family, the dads not a member and a truck driver so its really hard to catch him home, so we challenged him to listen to the book of mormon on cd in his tractor trailor while he's hauling. the other family were teaching is the Smiths, he is a return missionary who's inactive, they met in mainland china where he was teaching english. they got married and now live in logan, frank the husband was listening to conference and heard elder Hollands talk and decided that it was time that they should go back to church and that mae his wife should start taking the discussions. since shes from mainland china her english is pretty bad so we had to go get an rm that spoke manderan. were also teaching an indian couple that are living together, Dina and Louellen. we've only been able to teach Dina because Louellen works alot but were trying to work around his schedule so that he can start taking the discussions, he's way excited. there also going to have to married before they can get baptized..... so yes another wedding!!!! :P. the last person were teaching that not a member is frankee. her brother the fellowshiper is trying to get her to come to church, but she says its hard because she has a seven year old and a way out of control two year old, so its hit or miss with her she says she wants to come but has only been once. one less-active member were teaching is Jamie . She fell away from the church because of the way the member girls treated her. so she started to befriend local catholic girls, and because of that the member girls made fun of her. She's 27 and were teaching from the start with the restoration, she says she doesn't remember anything but.... the gospel teaching are like riding a bike you really never forget you just might be a little rusty. but im doing fine its all good here in logan, utah. one thing that i learned this week from one of the members we stopped by was, i asked what he did for a living because he lived in a very very modest home for a 24 yr old whose married with a baby on the way. he told me it was some executive postion for ICON, there a sport nutrition supplement place. i told him i hadn't really decided what i wanted to do as a career, and he said.... "Elder Herring dont worry about your furture, if you serve the lord with all your heart might mind and strength, and put all worldly things aside including a future career and where your going to go to school, and who your going to marry and devote all your time to the lord, he will bless you beyond comprehension." that really put things in perspective for me, and im going to try and live that, so i can be blessed down the road.
Elder Tyler Herring

mom or dad can you please forward this to everyone else in the family thanks, i forgot my address book today and couldn't send it to everyone. and yes i got my box thanks so much for everything

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