pretty good weeks this week, were still waiting on a letter from the first presidency that K-lou can be baptized should be here sometime this week. one investigator were teaching Alex has to get all of his community service in before he can be baptized to bishop harris's on Saturday and him and elder Pickett pitched off hay while bishop, mark (bishops brother) and I were separating cows that had had babies and ones that hadn't. not to terribly hard except for when a couple of them want to get out and Im standing in between them and freedom, bishop had given me this cattle broad that had a plastic flag on the end of it and told me if they get to close to snap it. hahahah i think it scared me more than it scared them, it made an awful cracking noise that made my ears ring for awhile. but it took us about two hours to separate all 900 of them. yesterday we were working for this less-active guy in Thatcher taking a bunch of metal to the scrap yard to get money for it. it was really fun, we got to knock a wall out of his "barn" to get this giant milk cooler out. but we had a chain hooked to the bottom of it on the legs and he was pulling in out with his tractor, i was behind it telling him which way to pull and it got hung up on a chain that was dangling from the ceiling. by the time i noticed and was about to turn and run away it snapped and smacked me across the face right under my eyes. IM OK!!!!!! but i have theses things that look like blood blisters under my eyes and across my nose and my face kinda still hurts. i don't know how it didn't kill me..... each link was about and inch long. but afterwards i was like
"holy crap...... that hurt..... am i bleeding? no...... is my face broke..... feels like it wants to be but i think im ok." so i went inside washed my face and the less-active guy asked what happened i said that chain on the ceiling snapped and smacked me across the face. on the ride home i was reflecting what happened and how the lord had protected me. im grateful that he is mindful of all us, expecially his missionaries. but i dont know if i said this in the last letter but i started reading the book of mormon in chronological order and i got through ether and read about if the people that posses this land dont serve heavenly father they will be swept off the face of it. this past week i got through the introduction and the book of Mormon institute manual that puts what Im reading in plane English, so i take a long time for me to get through some of the chapters because one chapter usually has 3-4 pages of other reading in the institute manual. put in the introduction of the book of Mormon the prophet Joseph Smith said theses words that i love it because it's so bold:
“I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”
but this week we have two branding jobs one friday and the other saturday. I'll be sure to take tons of pictures, thanks love you all

"holy crap...... that hurt..... am i bleeding? no...... is my face broke..... feels like it wants to be but i think im ok." so i went inside washed my face and the less-active guy asked what happened i said that chain on the ceiling snapped and smacked me across the face. on the ride home i was reflecting what happened and how the lord had protected me. im grateful that he is mindful of all us, expecially his missionaries. but i dont know if i said this in the last letter but i started reading the book of mormon in chronological order and i got through ether and read about if the people that posses this land dont serve heavenly father they will be swept off the face of it. this past week i got through the introduction and the book of Mormon institute manual that puts what Im reading in plane English, so i take a long time for me to get through some of the chapters because one chapter usually has 3-4 pages of other reading in the institute manual. put in the introduction of the book of Mormon the prophet Joseph Smith said theses words that i love it because it's so bold:
“I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”
but this week we have two branding jobs one friday and the other saturday. I'll be sure to take tons of pictures, thanks love you all
pictures1:burning hot lava in town
2:geyser in the middle of town
3: funny sign i took a picture with
- Elder Tyler Herring4380 So. Orchard AveSouth Ogden, UT 84403
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