Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Weekly Email July 20, 2010

so i got a call last night from Elder Ramerez (assistant) and he said that I'm being transfered to Brigham city and that I'm training a new guy straight out of the MTC. he wouldn't tell me who he is or anything so ill find out tomorrow at 8am, when i pick him up. so I'm leaving hooper..... I'm really sad. All today I'll probably be packing and visiting people. but this week we went to the youth extravaganza, it was sweet there was over 3000 youth there. the program was on the restoration/ plan of salvation. it was the bulk of our week, so not a lot happened. next weeks email will be a lot longer with a new companion...... i cant wait to prank this new kid :) hopefully he wont cry to much. :P elder Attridge and i did find a miniature donkey its the saddest looking thing ever....ill attach pictures
love you guys,

Elder Tyler Herring

Weekly Email July 13, 2010

this week was sweet, we finally had a youth activity with the missionaries that i had been planning forever. MUD DODGEBALL!!!!! it was way fun. afterwards we had a lesson on the restoration. im so glad that this happened half of the kids there were non-members, now they can see that missionaries aren't scary, that there just regular guys. so far after that two members are inviting thoses non-memebers to have the missionary disgustions in their homes. im way stoked. they have the rest of this week to invite them.

i had to give a talk on how this land is a chosen land and relate it to missionary work. it ended up being a really good talk. even though i wrote it 45min before.

-i prayer that the holy spirit will be here to testify of what im going to speak about today. what id like to speak on today is how the lord god has preserved this land. the book of mormon is overwhelming evidence of gods hand in the establishment of this nation and his dealings with mankind both during times of righteousness and wikedness. the lord has repeatedly said that if we keep the commandments that we will prosper. turn with me to 2nephi 1:9 here the lord has promised lehi what will happen if he keeps the commandments. we have two records -the jaradites and nephites- of two nations that were swept off the face of the land because of their wickedness. nephi a prophet in the book of mormon prophised the destruction of that eary american civiliztion and lateer the rediscovery of this land by an inspired explorer. turn with me to 1nephi 13:12 that scripture is talking about columbus and how he was led by the spirit too this promised land. for centuries the lord kept america hidden until the time was right to unviel her for her destiny in the last days "it is wisdom that this land should be kept as yet from the knowledge of other nation." "for behold many nations would overrun the land, that there would be no place for an inheritance." in the lords due time his spirit "wrought upon" columbus. the pilgrams, puritans, and others to come to america. they testified of gods intervention in their behalf. the book of mormon records that they humbled themselves before the lord and the power of the lord was with them. only if we humble ourselves and keep the commandments will the lord fight our battles and protect us. think of zions camp. the lord promised that his presence would go with them and that all victory and glory would be brought to pass through their diligence and fathfullness and prayers of faith. in our heritage it gives an account of zions camp: : "difficulties of the camp began to take their toll on participants. the refining process revealed the grumblers, who did not have the spirit of obdience and often faulted joseph smith for his troubles. on 17 may the prophet exhorted thoses posssessed eith a rebelios spirit to humble themselves before the lord and become united, that they might not be scourged" we know that they eventually humbled themselves and moved on with the march towards clay county. "when zions camp reached eastern clay county missouri in late june 1834 a mob of over 300 missouians came out to meet them- intent on their destruction, under the direction of the prophet joseph smith the brethern set up camp and the junction of the little and big fishing rivers." this is where joseph smith said the infamous line "stand still and watch the salvation of god" continuing on pg 47 : " the mob began to attack with cannon fire, but the lord was fighting the battle of the saints. clouds quickly began to formm over head. the prophet described the circumstances "it began to rain and hail.... the storm was tremendous; wind and rain, hail and thunder met them in great wrath, and soon softened their direful courage and frustrated all their designs to kill joe smith and his army... after experiencing the pelting of the storm all night, "forlorn hope" took the back track fir independence to join the main body of the mob fully satisfied that when jehovah fights they would rather be absent" the lord fought there battles because they were doing what the were commanded. i think about the story of the stripling warriors. moroni rallied them together in his day to defend their wives, their children, and for the cause of liberty. why did this band of 2,000 young men defeat the lamenites and establish peace in the land? because of their faithfullness in keeping the commandments. turn with me to Alma56:47-48 their mothers had taught them to keep the commandments. because of the faithfulness the lord delievered them. we as members of the church have been commanded by the lord to do missionary work. ive noticed when reading the book of mormon that people in the land are prospering because of the righteosness..... do you think that the righteous were doing missionary work? when we cease in sharing the gospel we will not prosper. it is my prayer that the holy ghost has touched each and every one of you and has burned with in you. that it was fired you up to go out and do missionary work. in the name of jesus christ amen.

our area is starting to pick up aswell. we finally found 5 new investigators were teaching and so far two of them have baptismal dates. that makes a total of four people schedualed for baptism. and we haven't met with the other 3 but they will be commited for baptism on the first lesson.

Elder Tyler Herring

Weekly Letter July 6, 2010

so this was a boring week, it was the fourth of July. everyone we in our teaching pool was out of town. and every house we knocked on no one was home except for a select few people in Roy that we talked too and set up a lesson. we did get to see the fireworks at a members home. we also shoveled crap for two hours, a horse stall that hadn't been cleaned out for about a year. it was great :P. they did feed us lunch afterwards, good old subaway. that night they text'd us asking if we could do the other two stalls..... I'm probably not going to return there phone call. we ate at the mitchills house again elder attridge wanted to bet there dog "Zeus" i told him that he doesn't like missionaries...... he didn't listen and got bit. (ill attach a picture) the mitchills called to apologize and to tell us that he's had all his rapese shots. i thought elder attridge was going to die. he says he punched zeus in the mouth, you be the judge and look at the picture. love you all thanks for all that you do and for taking the time to write
Elder Tyler Herring

Thursday, July 1, 2010

June 30, 2010

this week was hard but good. we had zone conference this week it was way good something we learned there was that there is no mistakes in gods eyes only learning experiences. a quote i read somewhere came to mine while we were there "take pride in how far you've came and have faith in how far you'll go." yesterday we had interviews with our mission president. in the interview i was complaining because of our area not producing numbers that i thought it should, and having a bad week. he calmly said "elder you think Jesus had a tough week when he was in the garden of Gethsemane or crucified?" that put everything in perspective for me. he explained the area is the way it is because theres something i should be learning. President Olson said we often grow most in difficult circumstances. keep working hard. today though elder attridge and i decided that we wanted to go hiking. the week before we went to waterfall canyon. this week was a place in Logan Canyon call Wind Rocks. its really cool there rocks at the top of the canyon that have been hallowed out by the wind. it was a really steep hike 900ft in 2miles. way worth it though, only bad thing is i HATE HEIGHTS and the trail runs along the edge of cliffs. i attached pictures that we took, one of them i got dirt on my face. one really sweet thing we saw this week was a 1936 Chevy truck it was a "rat rod" meaning not painted and not alot of money put into it, never seen one before and i really like it.

Elder Tyler Herring