so the majority of my letter is going to be what ive been studying..... prayer. i studied so that i can explain so a little child can understand, so the what, why, when, and how. most of what i got was from the new gospel principles book. first scripture 3nephi 18:15 "so we wont be tempted by the devil, and be led away captive" hahaha good enough reason for me. another reason why is the lord commanded us too moses 5:8. it will help us become closer to god. the next scripture D+C 10:5 probally one of my most favorite scriptures. so that we will come off conquerer!!!!! punch satan in the mouth. another thing prayer does for us is protect us. alma 34:17-27 verse 22 is the protection from our enemies. i was trying to find an example of someone in the scriptures that was delievered from there enemies by them praying. found mosiah 9:17-18 because of there prayers they were delivered from there enemies and slayed 3043 of them. i loved studing about prayer. i thought back to an experience i had in the temple. while on a mission ive been worring about how im going to support a family. so instead of debating inside of myself i took it to the lord. i said a prayer and asked him what i should do. after i finished an overwhelming feeling of peace came over me. and theses exact words ran through my head.... serve a mission with all that you have and ill take care of you afterwards. i have a huge testimony of prayer now from that experience. i know the lord answers prayer

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