Please pardon the long time between posts. I think I've finally got it updated. We're going to try to be better about sharing the e-mails. We updated clear back into November, so, if you want to get caught up, be sure you go back at least until the November 19th posts - there are some pictures along the way!
Here's a few other pictures you may be interested in as well. Click to enlarge.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
so got transfered to ogden utah. hahaha yea im in the ghetto to prove how ghetto it is. two nights ago there was a guy whos throat got slit about 6 blocks from where we live. it's wierd to see the other side of ogden. i never new ogden had so many problems like illegal drugs, prostitution, and gang related activity. but im doing good. my new companion Elder Beavens is from alberta, canada. we really dont get along, we argue alot about our baptisims and if there qualified and if they've been living there commandments. last night we got into an arguement about if one of our investigators William, is prepared to be baptised. i pointed out theat the prophet and the apostles have set guidelines for convert baptisms and that they need to go to church three consecutive times to be baptised. well william hadn't so i said were going to have to move his baptismal date back two weeks so he could get baptised. well he flipped out and was ranting about how i wasn't senior companion and that when i become senior companion i can make the rules about our investigators. to keep it short he saw it my way. unfortunatley most of the baptisims that have been done the people weren't prepared and hadn't gone to church. that changed when i told him i will not show up/perticpate in the baptisims if they haven't met all the qualifications. other than that incident our area is doing ok. could be better but we're going to have to build it up. thanks for everthing you sent me for christmas i loved it. hope all is well
Elder Herring
for my birthday i have a list of couple of approved cd's that id like. ill put that in the next email :)
Elder Herring
for my birthday i have a list of couple of approved cd's that id like. ill put that in the next email :)
Christmas Day
Well, needless to say we did get his call schedule figured out. Elder Herring was able to call down to Grandma and Grandpa Dudley's midafternoon and talk to each of his uncles and a few select cousins. With special permission, he even got to call his "brother from another mother" Casey Waite who will be leaving to serve in Barcelona, Spain in March.
He is a very obedient missionary and stuck to his 45 minute time limit. Grandma Dorothy got to come down and we each got to talk with him for a few minutes. He's doing well in his new area. He got transferred to Ogden just before Christmas. He was welcomed to the area by the stake mission leader, Joe Arave, who grew up with our parents here in Charlottesville (what a small world the Church creates!), who gave him a pocket knife, and said "Welcome to the area, Elder".... UH... We all loved talk to him, and love him a LOT! :)
He is a very obedient missionary and stuck to his 45 minute time limit. Grandma Dorothy got to come down and we each got to talk with him for a few minutes. He's doing well in his new area. He got transferred to Ogden just before Christmas. He was welcomed to the area by the stake mission leader, Joe Arave, who grew up with our parents here in Charlottesville (what a small world the Church creates!), who gave him a pocket knife, and said "Welcome to the area, Elder".... UH... We all loved talk to him, and love him a LOT! :)
BEST. Christmas Present. EVER!!!
Due to all of the snow in VA lately, only one of our doors, the back one, has easy access. But, we don't have a key for that door, so, we've been taking turns stumbling through the snow to the front door to let everyone else in the back.
On Christmas Eve, after our Herring family party, it was my turn. I stumbled through the snow and around the corner to see a package on the front porch (poor postman). I pick it up expecting it to be my Dad's Christmas present (which actually came 2 days AFTER Christmas), to see, "From: Elder Tyler LaMont Herring, To: The Family"
Well, traditionally, we only open one present - pajamas - on Christmas Eve. I begged and we opened Ty's gift then too. In it was the most awesome Christmas present EVER:

So, if you know my brother, you know that he doesn't smile in a picture - ever! He's SMILING!!! We know he's in the right place now! I hope you can click on it and enjoy the full effect of this awesome gift that brought us to tears. :)
On Christmas Eve, after our Herring family party, it was my turn. I stumbled through the snow and around the corner to see a package on the front porch (poor postman). I pick it up expecting it to be my Dad's Christmas present (which actually came 2 days AFTER Christmas), to see, "From: Elder Tyler LaMont Herring, To: The Family"
Well, traditionally, we only open one present - pajamas - on Christmas Eve. I begged and we opened Ty's gift then too. In it was the most awesome Christmas present EVER:

So, if you know my brother, you know that he doesn't smile in a picture - ever! He's SMILING!!! We know he's in the right place now! I hope you can click on it and enjoy the full effect of this awesome gift that brought us to tears. :)
Oh Tyler!
im on right now, we need to figure out my christmas call so your going to need to be on :P
-----Original Message-----
From: "Herring, Anthony J. *HS"
To: Tyler Herring
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 13:49:50 -0500
Subject: RE:
are you still on?
Tony Herring
-----Original Message-----
From: "Herring, Anthony J. *HS"
To: Tyler Herring
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 13:49:50 -0500
Subject: RE:
are you still on?
Tony Herring
Tyler's Letter 12/15/09
hey wassup dad,
who's this new bishop? i dont reconize his name. mom said you sent my package yesterday thats sweet im excited. what do you think/want your next calling to be. right now i feel like im in the trenchs, so much flipping snow on the ground. but as far as phone call goes, im probally just call all the phones till someone picks up. :) hmm ill probally call 12 my time and 2 your time. if thats ok
who's this new bishop? i dont reconize his name. mom said you sent my package yesterday thats sweet im excited. what do you think/want your next calling to be. right now i feel like im in the trenchs, so much flipping snow on the ground. but as far as phone call goes, im probally just call all the phones till someone picks up. :) hmm ill probally call 12 my time and 2 your time. if thats ok
Letter from Dad to Tyler 12/15/09
Dear Tyler,
Look at the time. I am not on a mission, but I've been at work for over 2 hours already. These early mornings are a beast to do. Only one more before Christmas break though.
How are you doing? How is your companion? Your investigators? We pray for you and your investigators everyday. We know the Lord will bless you as you diligently serve Him.
We have a new Bishopric in the Ward. Bishop Aaron Hancock, Steve Morgan and Kenneth Crowther were sustained on Sunday. I do not have a calling yet, but I'm sure I'll get one soon. I'm sure that the new Bishopric will do great.
I have been thinking alot about the service we give to the Lord. He is so pleased when we diligently do the little things for others. It doesn't have to be huge, or out in the public eye. The best work is done in the trenches where you can help those that are struggling. The scriptures teach us that the right hand shouldn't know what the left hand is doing. I think that is especially true with service. If you are doing it for the recognition of others, your doing it for the wrong reasons. I am so glad that I had the chance to serve in the Bishopric when I did. Even though it was hard at times, I grew alot and I think I was able to help people that perhaps I wouldn't have known about.
I am so proud of you. You are blessing so many lives because of your service. Many people are looking at your example and want to follow in your footsteps.
About calling on Christmas day- what calling plan is your cell phone with? If it is verizon, then the best thing is to call Mom's cell phone. Mine is crappy. What time do you want to do it? Let's decide today.
I love you so much. Keep up the great work.
Look at the time. I am not on a mission, but I've been at work for over 2 hours already. These early mornings are a beast to do. Only one more before Christmas break though.
How are you doing? How is your companion? Your investigators? We pray for you and your investigators everyday. We know the Lord will bless you as you diligently serve Him.
We have a new Bishopric in the Ward. Bishop Aaron Hancock, Steve Morgan and Kenneth Crowther were sustained on Sunday. I do not have a calling yet, but I'm sure I'll get one soon. I'm sure that the new Bishopric will do great.
I have been thinking alot about the service we give to the Lord. He is so pleased when we diligently do the little things for others. It doesn't have to be huge, or out in the public eye. The best work is done in the trenches where you can help those that are struggling. The scriptures teach us that the right hand shouldn't know what the left hand is doing. I think that is especially true with service. If you are doing it for the recognition of others, your doing it for the wrong reasons. I am so glad that I had the chance to serve in the Bishopric when I did. Even though it was hard at times, I grew alot and I think I was able to help people that perhaps I wouldn't have known about.
I am so proud of you. You are blessing so many lives because of your service. Many people are looking at your example and want to follow in your footsteps.
About calling on Christmas day- what calling plan is your cell phone with? If it is verizon, then the best thing is to call Mom's cell phone. Mine is crappy. What time do you want to do it? Let's decide today.
I love you so much. Keep up the great work.
Tyler's Letter 12/09/09
hmmm i know i get to call on christmas. we have our own phone so ill probally try your cell and if you dont answer ill just call grandmas house..... if i remember the number. i got a really nice christmas card from tod and kim dudley. as for the day of christmas..... it depends on who get's transfered. i might be getting transfered. but if i dont we'll go the althouses for christmas and spend it with them. sorry to be short we just have alot of things we have to do today. hmmm christmas. anything wool
Elder Herring
Elder Herring
Letter from Dad to Tyler 12/08/09
Dear Tyler,
It was great to get your pictures last week. They were awesome. It was great to be able to see what your companion looks like. It was awesome to see how happy you are.
We have been staying busy. I go to work at 3:00 am 2 days a week- so I stay tired- but what are you going to do. We put up Grandma's Christmas lights Friday night. Casey Waite helped me. He is getting stoked about his mission call. On Saturday, we got our first snow fall. We got about 5 inches of wet snow. Sandy and Flavio brought the boys over Saturday night and the boys went sledding on your tobaggan sled in the yard. They had a blast.
We have been reading some stories about missionary work around Christmas and feel so connected to you. When are you calling on Christmas day or should we call you? We need to get that worked out. What do you need for Christmas? Do you think your companion will get transferred? Do yo have plans for Christmas yet?
We love you so much. We are excited to get your emails each week. We share them with everyone. You have so many people that are living this mission with you through your letters and emails. Keep them coming. Stay strong and obedient so the Spirit will guide you. We love you?
It was great to get your pictures last week. They were awesome. It was great to be able to see what your companion looks like. It was awesome to see how happy you are.
We have been staying busy. I go to work at 3:00 am 2 days a week- so I stay tired- but what are you going to do. We put up Grandma's Christmas lights Friday night. Casey Waite helped me. He is getting stoked about his mission call. On Saturday, we got our first snow fall. We got about 5 inches of wet snow. Sandy and Flavio brought the boys over Saturday night and the boys went sledding on your tobaggan sled in the yard. They had a blast.
We have been reading some stories about missionary work around Christmas and feel so connected to you. When are you calling on Christmas day or should we call you? We need to get that worked out. What do you need for Christmas? Do you think your companion will get transferred? Do yo have plans for Christmas yet?
We love you so much. We are excited to get your emails each week. We share them with everyone. You have so many people that are living this mission with you through your letters and emails. Keep them coming. Stay strong and obedient so the Spirit will guide you. We love you?
Mission Pictures - 12/01/09
so i just went and bought a cord from best buy for $20 so i can send you guys my pictures. the first one should be my first baptisim bryan, he was a trouble maker from vegas. took him about 3-4 weeks before he was ready to be baptised. had to get him married first to his wife, and to get him to stop smoking. the second picture was our surprise baptism, sorta made us mad. the ward had been preparing Cole a nine yearold for baptism and didnt know that the missionaries needed to be involved. we got involved the week before his baptism and taught him once, we taught him enough to pass the interview, the interview is supposed to be done by our district leader or zone leader but bishop asked if he could do it. thats not right because the bishop doesnt have the keys our the athority to missionary work. and he cant reccieve revelation for him because he's not a member. but the bishop went ahead and did it anyway. our misson president said that we just need to learn to pick our battles. the one thing that really made me mad is that the bishop said that the stake presidency was on board with him doing the interview, but we went and talked to the stake presidency and found out they weren't. hahaha whatever counts as a baptism for us :). but im doing well its starting to stay in the teens here during the day. and we didnt play in the USU stadium the guy called and said because of liability we couldnt so we just played at lundstrum park. it was supposed to be flag football but turned into tackle football. i didnt get hurt my companion is broken....... he messed up his wrist. its just sprained. but were both doing good. bought some ties today out of the back of some guys car today pretty sweet. as you see in my pictures i dont wear any of the ties i came out with. because my companion has opened my eyes to matching cuff links and hankies. THAT'S RIGHT IM ROCKING THE HANKEE'S.
Elder Tyler Herring

Elder Tyler Herring

Thanksgiving Letter 11/24/09
yes i bought my scriptures, no i haven't gotten a cord or the long garmnets yet. the scriptures really set me back. but as far as thanksgiving goes my companion and i did some sweet talking and were going to be playing flag football in the USU stadium (Romney Stadium) hahahaha thats right were playing at the Utah State Football Stadium. alot of our mission is going to be there. like 25-35 missionaries there. my weeks been pretty good cold, but good. next week ill probally get some warm garments and the camera cord that i need so i can send you guys some pictures. but as far as music goes i bought WOW Christian Music 2010 and a member made us a sweet cd. but i can have a cd player with a radio with it were just not aloud to turn on the radio. im excited to call home too, i cant wait but thats a long ways off. but i love you guys ill write a longer email next week our pday is short today because of thanksgiving we get another pday this week.
Elder Tyler Herring
Elder Tyler Herring
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