Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Elder Herring's weekly letter
so you guys have been hounding me to know who my companion and I are teaching. so here guy were teaching is brian, he was commited on the first lesson to be baptised on nov 14th. but first he has to get married to his girlfriend brianna who is currently pregnant, cause there living together. so that means we get to go to a wedding!!!! :) another family that were teaching right now is a part member family, the dads not a member and a truck driver so its really hard to catch him home, so we challenged him to listen to the book of mormon on cd in his tractor trailor while he's hauling. the other family were teaching is the Smiths, he is a return missionary who's inactive, they met in mainland china where he was teaching english. they got married and now live in logan, frank the husband was listening to conference and heard elder Hollands talk and decided that it was time that they should go back to church and that mae his wife should start taking the discussions. since shes from mainland china her english is pretty bad so we had to go get an rm that spoke manderan. were also teaching an indian couple that are living together, Dina and Louellen. we've only been able to teach Dina because Louellen works alot but were trying to work around his schedule so that he can start taking the discussions, he's way excited. there also going to have to married before they can get baptized..... so yes another wedding!!!! :P. the last person were teaching that not a member is frankee. her brother the fellowshiper is trying to get her to come to church, but she says its hard because she has a seven year old and a way out of control two year old, so its hit or miss with her she says she wants to come but has only been once. one less-active member were teaching is Jamie . She fell away from the church because of the way the member girls treated her. so she started to befriend local catholic girls, and because of that the member girls made fun of her. She's 27 and were teaching from the start with the restoration, she says she doesn't remember anything but.... the gospel teaching are like riding a bike you really never forget you just might be a little rusty. but im doing fine its all good here in logan, utah. one thing that i learned this week from one of the members we stopped by was, i asked what he did for a living because he lived in a very very modest home for a 24 yr old whose married with a baby on the way. he told me it was some executive postion for ICON, there a sport nutrition supplement place. i told him i hadn't really decided what i wanted to do as a career, and he said.... "Elder Herring dont worry about your furture, if you serve the lord with all your heart might mind and strength, and put all worldly things aside including a future career and where your going to go to school, and who your going to marry and devote all your time to the lord, he will bless you beyond comprehension." that really put things in perspective for me, and im going to try and live that, so i can be blessed down the road.
Elder Tyler Herring
mom or dad can you please forward this to everyone else in the family thanks, i forgot my address book today and couldn't send it to everyone. and yes i got my box thanks so much for everything
Letters to Elder Herring (week of Oct. 19)
Hi Ty,
How's our favorite missionary? We have been laughing about your bus story all week. I'm glad you're having a good time while working. That's important I think. Two different return missionaries said that it was important that you find something to laugh about everyday.
I can't believe you guys challenge investigators to baptism at the first discussion?! Wow that's pretty intense. Does it work out most of the time?
Chelsea took some pictures of Grandma and Granpa's new dog but I don't think she's uploaded them yet. I'll have her do it soon.
I think you put a little curse on us for the beach because it was way cold. And there was no beach to drive on because the water was up to the dunes. Anyway it was fun to get away for the weekend. Mom seemed so much more relaxed. The beach was crazy cold, and there wasn't any beach. The ocean was really, really close to the dunes. We took the jeep thinking we would drive on the beach but didn't. It was way too scary.
No word on Casey's mission call yet. My guess is that he'll get it Friday or Saturday. He got your address so he should be writting you soon.
Did you get your box? Is there anything you need? Are you warm enough? Would you wear a sweater vest, like Grandpa and Dad do under your suit? Let us know how we can help.
You are in our thoughts and prayers. We've almost finished reading the Book of Mormon. Our goal is to finish the first week of November and then start over again.
We love you son and are so proud of the man you are becoming.
Love tons
Mom and Dad
Hey Tyler!
I love you! Still got a good companion? How's Logan? This letter will probably be kinda brief cause I'm very very tired. Mom and Dad went to OBX like you know and they brought me this really really cute jacket. they had fun. And it wasn't that bad staying by myself, especially since Sandy and Flavio came and spent the nights with me. It was actually kinda fun eating all the junk food mommy bought me and just watched chick-flicks like the Proposal and stuff. But it did make me realize how quickly I'll be an adult and be in college and not living with mom and dad which was a little sad. Saturday Casey came and we went downtown cause I was bored stiff, it's really cool cause I haven't really talked to him since you left. It was nice to catch up and stuff, it's so wierd that in like a month or two you'll both be out on missions. So bizarro my brother's are growin up. So you know that Wild Wings place that you and Casey and Sam and Will always went to? Well me and my friends went there before the Western Game today. And they somehow convinced me to eat some of the really really hot wings (the hottest ones there) cause it didn't smell that hot. So I did and man I was crying like a baby it hurt so bad. My tummy is still like angry at me and on fire. I don't know how you could stand that. The waitor was really cool though he came by and handed me a glass of milk and was like this on me, I talked to my manager we have a no jerk clause so because they made you eat it you can have a free milk. We got pictures and videos of it. It was really good. And I'm really enjoying my senior year. Oh we also renamed Grandma's dog Chloe instead of Ice. She's one of the most adorable and obedient dogs. mom and daddy took pictures so when I find their camera I'll send you a picture of her. She's a yellow lab and is kinda short. She already knows to sit, stay, come, and fetch. She loves grandma and absolutely adores me and Casey. We somehow convinced Grandpa to let her come into the basement. She's kennel broken like Nikki and very obedient. We're building her a new big outside kennel and she's super spoiled. It's great! I'll send pictures soon!
Love you,
Letters to Elder Herring (week of Oct. 19)
Hi Ty,
How's our favorite missionary? We have been laughing about your bus story all week. I'm glad you're having a good time while working. That's important I think. Two different return missionaries said that it was important that you find something to laugh about everyday.
I can't believe you guys challenge investigators to baptism at the first discussion?! Wow that's pretty intense. Does it work out most of the time?
Chelsea took some pictures of Grandma and Granpa's new dog but I don't think she's uploaded them yet. I'll have her do it soon.
I think you put a little curse on us for the beach because it was way cold. And there was no beach to drive on because the water was up to the dunes. Anyway it was fun to get away for the weekend. Mom seemed so much more relaxed. The beach was crazy cold, and there wasn't any beach. The ocean was really, really close to the dunes. We took the jeep thinking we would drive on the beach but didn't. It was way too scary.
No word on Casey's mission call yet. My guess is that he'll get it Friday or Saturday. He got your address so he should be writting you soon.
Did you get your box? Is there anything you need? Are you warm enough? Would you wear a sweater vest, like Grandpa and Dad do under your suit? Let us know how we can help.
You are in our thoughts and prayers. We've almost finished reading the Book of Mormon. Our goal is to finish the first week of November and then start over again.
We love you son and are so proud of the man you are becoming.
Love tons
Mom and Dad
Hey Tyler!
I love you! Still got a good companion? How's Logan? This letter will probably be kinda brief cause I'm very very tired. Mom and Dad went to OBX like you know and they brought me this really really cute jacket. they had fun. And it wasn't that bad staying by myself, especially since Sandy and Flavio came and spent the nights with me. It was actually kinda fun eating all the junk food mommy bought me and just watched chick-flicks like the Proposal and stuff. But it did make me realize how quickly I'll be an adult and be in college and not living with mom and dad which was a little sad. Saturday Casey came and we went downtown cause I was bored stiff, it's really cool cause I haven't really talked to him since you left. It was nice to catch up and stuff, it's so wierd that in like a month or two you'll both be out on missions. So bizarro my brother's are growin up. So you know that Wild Wings place that you and Casey and Sam and Will always went to? Well me and my friends went there before the Western Game today. And they somehow convinced me to eat some of the really really hot wings (the hottest ones there) cause it didn't smell that hot. So I did and man I was crying like a baby it hurt so bad. My tummy is still like angry at me and on fire. I don't know how you could stand that. The waitor was really cool though he came by and handed me a glass of milk and was like this on me, I talked to my manager we have a no jerk clause so because they made you eat it you can have a free milk. We got pictures and videos of it. It was really good. And I'm really enjoying my senior year. Oh we also renamed Grandma's dog Chloe instead of Ice. She's one of the most adorable and obedient dogs. mom and daddy took pictures so when I find their camera I'll send you a picture of her. She's a yellow lab and is kinda short. She already knows to sit, stay, come, and fetch. She loves grandma and absolutely adores me and Casey. We somehow convinced Grandpa to let her come into the basement. She's kennel broken like Nikki and very obedient. We're building her a new big outside kennel and she's super spoiled. It's great! I'll send pictures soon!
Love you,
Elder Herring's weekly letters 10/12/09
lol we’re a walking mission. but no i dont need my 72 hour kit i doubt ill get stranded in logan :P its utah. you guys are punks i cant believe you went to nags head. im not happy. your sitting down at the beach while im up here in the frozen funny thing that happened this week is we were on the bus going to our other stake that we cover in logan and this really old guy asked all the students that were on the bus if they had gone on a date? i raised my hand and he looked at me puzzeled and said "your liar! and if you did im going to call the mission president" lol and my companion was like thats right then the old guy said "you can tell who the senior and junior companion is" then everyone was laughing i was crying cause i was laughing so hard. then the same old guy said that my compainion had won "the ugliest tie award" idk it was just super funny.
thats flippn sweet that casey put his mission papers in im stoked to find out where hes going. but yea were teaching seven people all of them have baptism dates (thats something we do in our mission we commit them to baptisim on the first lesson) but yea im loving it here its awsome. sorta feels like home cause of the members. like last week was kinda a rough week cause i was just getting adjusted to the mission field, but we were meeting bishops and we stopped by brother bars house and instead of a handshake he gave me a huge hug. idk it was pretty kewl.
love you,
To Chelsea:
thats sweet that grandma and grandpa got a dog. is it a puppy? you should send pictures over the email to me so i can see it. finally kc put his papers in i wonder where he;s going to go? utah ogden mission maybe? lol that'd be sweet but id doubt it. one funny thing that happened this week is we were on the bus going to our other stake that we cover in logan and this really old guy asked all the students that were on the bus if they had gone on a date? i raised my hand and he looked at me puzzeled and said "your liar! and if you did im going to call the mission president" lol and my companion was like thats right then the old guy said "you can tell who the senior and junior companion is" then everyone was laughing i was crying cause i was laughing so hard. then the same old guy said that my compainion had won "the ugliest tie award" idk it was just super funny.
Letters to Elder Herring (week of Oct. 12)
Hi Tyler,
I'm not sure what Dad or Chelsea wrote to you so please forgive any news from home repeats!
Grandma and Grandpa got a dog! It a golden lab, she has papers. She seems to be really sweet and is trained pretty well. Her name is Ice; we may have to change that.
By the way Grandma said she didn't write you last week because she wasn't feeling well. She and Grandpa both have been fighting colds. She hopes to get a letter off to you this week. She doesn't like the idea of email so it will probably come snail mail.
Casey W. put in his papers last Tuesday so he should be hearing something in the next week or two. He asked Chelsea for your address as well. I'm sure he'll let you know when he gets it. I think he'll go Spanish speaking, out of the country.
As always it was so good to hear from you. It sounds like you're in a very busy mission. We got a letter from the mission home explaining how the mail works. They told us your companions name was Elder Weiland. Have you taught any one that looks promising? We have a new missionary in our ward. He's just been out about 4 days. He's greener than you
We hope to get a box off to you soon. It's really starting to get cold here so I know it must be cold out there. We love you and think of you often. You're a terrific missionary! Let us know if there's anything we can do to help you.
Love you tons,
PS. You don't have to write me separate if you don't have time. I know you're busy. It's just so good to hear from you and know that you're happy and working hard.
Dear Tyler,
It was great to hear from you last week. We are so glad you are doing well. It sounds like you ae in a great area. Tell us about your companion- his name, where he is from, etc. Also, tell us about your investigators- by name so we can pray for them as well. Are you guys on bikes or in a car? Do you have the opportunity to go to the Logan Temple? It is such a beautiful old Temple. How many wards are you responsible for?
I had the chance to tell some co-workers about your experiences as a missionary the other day. I was amazed at how strong the Spirit was as I talked to them. Everyone of them was touched by the Spirit. It was great. They were very impressed that a 19 year old would give up to years of his life to serve the Lord.
I had the chance to watch the Primary kids on Sunday as they prepared for their program. They are so cute. I am sorry that Mom and I are going to miss it. We are headed to Nags Head on Friday for a long weekend to celebrate our anniversary. We are staying right on the beach in a hotel.. Hopefully the weather cooperates with us.
Casey's papers are in. He should hear something in the next week or so. It is amazing that there are soon going to be six of you guys serving at the same time.
I am sending a package on Tuesday. It has a sweater, a fleece jacket, some gloves and a stocking hat as well as some goodies. Do you need anything else, more sweaters, a scarf? Do you want your 72 hr kit?
I want you to know how much I love you and how proud I am of you. I am proud to be your dad. Work hard and obey the rules and you will be blessed. Be happy-you are n the Lord’s army. He is your leader. Follow Him and He will bless you.
Love you!
Hi Elder Herring,
Are you still fat and happy in Logan? So we went to church today cause it's
Sunday. We had one of the best fast and testimony meetings ever. It's really
cool cause like Stephanie has decided to bear her testimony for the 24
months that Wil is out on his mission, and since I haven't missed a month
yet I decided I would too. It was really awesome. I had planned out exactly
what I was gonna say when I was sitting down, but when I got up there to
bear my testimony that all went away, and the Spirit took over it was so
awesome. I bet that will happen a lot on your mission! Speaking of
missions..... CASEY PUT HIS PAPERS IN!!!! So he should know where he's
headed in a week or two! They also figure it out that there will be the same
amount of time between you and Casey as there was between Sam and Will! I'm
really excited to have 2 missionary's to write on a weekly basis. The other
thing that might make you excited is grandma and grandpa got a dog. She's a
yellow lab and her name is Ice. She is really obedient. She plays fetch, she
sits on command, she's kennel trained so they can keep her in Max's old
cage, or in a kennel in the garage, and she already follows grandpa. Mary's
boyfriend Randy got her for grandma and grandpa and they are both so excited
to have a dog on the farm again. It's really exciting for me and Casey cause
like Max was you and Mallory's dog and you guys trained him, and now we have
a puppy to train. She's a really fast learner too, it's awesome!
Last night was homecoming. I wanted to tell you a bit about it! It was like
the best experience ever! So I got ready at Nick's house with Catie and his
mommy helped us cause Mom went to the Time Out for Women Deseret Book
festival in Richmond. Then we took lots of pictures.... I'll probably send
you a pic in my next hand written letter. But, I was like the single lady
and I was kinda pouting cause I was like no date way lame. But then I didn't
know it but Nicholas bought me a flower thing that goes on your wrist. It
was super cute. I had a great time at the dance, and I behaved! It was a
really good experience.
Can't wait to read your letter on Tuesday,
Hope it's full of details about your companion and what you've been up to,
Love you soooo much,
Sounds like you're having an awesome time in Logan in spite of the cold. That's GREAT! You'll have to save one of those bottles and send it home if you can. That would be cool to have.
I finally made it back up to Draper this weekend. It was crazy! Todd, Damian, Eden, Eva, and Maryann were in town because it was Paige's baptism (which I missed because I was sick). It was also Eden's birthday, so I was there for the family dinner. I talked to Chase. He wrote you a letter that I promised I would send you, and said to tell you he misses you. He thinks you are the coolest thing since sliced bread!
Anyway, I hope your week went well.
Love you,
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Tyler's Letters: Week 3 (October 6, 2009)
so im serving in logan utah. chipped my tooth on some hard candy so had it filled this morning. by the way, i wont be able to get dear elders up here so tell everyone just to email me and ill be able to reply to them on p-day (tuesdays). but so far its goin good, its already snowed here a little. so you guys can send out all my sweaters and stuff. but for the first week it's been pretty slow. the first full day i was here i got to confirm the gift of the holy ghost on a convert that had been baptized on saturday, that was pretty cool. but this first week ive pretty much just been meeting with bishops and auxilery leaders and working with them trying to get a couple of referrals. we really dont go tracting at all we work through the members mostly. but im loving it sorry the dentist called you real early :)
love you,
Tyler Herring
What is your actual address? Can't send the package without it. Also how is your money holding out?
Love you,
all mail and packages have to go through the mission office. money is fine i still have 60 bucks and a 50 dollar subway card still. lol any other questions before i get off the cpu?
2133 washington blvd.
ogden, utah 84401
what is your companion's name, where is he from? We can't send you a goody package to your apartment? We have banana bread to send!
To Mallory:
mtc went well besides spraining my ankle. my first day i got here i got to confirm the gift of the holy ghost on a convert that was pretty chill. second day i got here i chipped my tooth on some hard candy so i had to get it filled this morning. by the way im serving in logan utah. it is freaking cold up here already. probally the coolest thing about the area is we get free milk, and it come all the way from morgan in old timey bottles. but love you
tyler herring
To Chelsea:
lol dont bark at me about getting personal letters punk, your letter is the same one mom and dad will get. im so busy i barley have time to come to the family history center and email everyone back. print this out its your "personal letter" oh and by the way im serving in logan so im going to tell all the members to watch out for you :P. thats cool you tried out for all the choir things. you'll make one of them. you can apply to weber its a really good school, i dont care where you apply as long as you go somewhere. i think you'd like weber. dont worry about me getting fed we get fed every night by the members and when we go out to eat for lunch 80% of the time someone offers to pay for us. love you tyler herring
Tyler's First Letter Home
So the first week at the mtc.... hmmm let's see first two-three days were hard. I was homesick. I even talked to my mission president and zone leaders. But my mission pres told me some advice that I'll never forget. He said, what do you think everyone will think of you, matter of fact what are you going to do or how are you going to set an example to your kids to go on a mission. This is what is probably going to keep me going on my whole mission that piece of advice. But I'm doing okay beside the fact I either sprained or broke a little bone in my foot. Lol don't worry I went and got x-rays today and the doctor said he couldn't see anything but is going to have the radiologist look at it and to come in tomorrow. But yes it was from playing basketball. My companion is really chill he's a farm boy from a little town in Idaho. We've really learned to love each other and the gospel. Our goal the whole time is to be able to teach by the spirit not cram a lesson down their throats. We actually got to teach an old mission president (though we didn't know him and his wife were) he said he had never felt the spirit more than when we taught him the restoration. But he also gave us a really good piece of advice, "It doesn't matter where you go and teach and preach on your mission, your still saving souls." But, I'm doing fine, tell everyone I said hey. Maybe you should read the letter at church so everyone will know I'm doing alright.
Elder Tyler Herring
PS send more stamps :) maybe even a goody package
Tyler Reports to the MTC
I was so glad I was in town and was able to get off from work so I could go with Lewis, Brenda, and Tyler to the MTC.
The night before he left was, obviously, an emotional one for me - we had a family devotional, and I couldn't hold the tears. I am SO proud of this kid. He is AWESOME! And his service will not only bless the lives of the people he meets on his mission, but also the lives of those of us at home - and I can't adequately explain how much we desperately need those blessings these days.
We were able to get Tyler a Utah license and have lunch before we dropped him off around 1 pm. The days of the families going in and watching the video thing, are over. And quite frankly, I think the new way is better. We didn't have a lot of time to take pictures (which if we had understood it a little better, we could have), but, we dropped him off and there was a line of over 100 missionaries assigned to greet the new missionaries and their families, and then escort the new missionaries to their rooms. These Elders were so enthusiastic and happy, and the drop-off itself was so fast, that you couldn't help but be happy for your missionary, and there wasn't time for tears... Until I was driving home by myself afterward.
Tyler got his mission call!!

Tyler got his mission call June 6, 2009!
I am so excited for him! I'm sure this will be a wonderful experience for him!
He will be reporting to the MTC on September 9, 2009 to prepare to serve for two years in the Utah Ogden Mission.
Here is his mission website: